Segmentation of continuous Dance Motion



Data-driven animation using a large human motion database enables the programing of various n atural human motions. While the development of a motion capture system allows the acquisition of realistic human motion, segmen ting the captured motion into a series of primitive motions for the construction of a motion database is necessary. Although mo st segmentation methods have focused on periodic motion, e.g., walking and jogging, segmenting non-periodic and asymmetrical mo tions such as dance performance, remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a specialized segmentation approach f or human dance motion. Our approach consists of three steps based on the assumption that human dance motion is composed of cons ecutive choreographic primitives. First, we perform an investigation based on dancer perception to determine segmentation compo nents. After professional dancers have selected segmentation sequences, we use their selected sequences to define rules for the segmentation of choreographic primitives. Finally, the accuracy of our approach is verified by a user-study, and we thereby sh ow that our approach is superior to existing segmentation methods. Through three steps, we demonstrate automatic dance motion s ynthesis based on the choreographic primitives obtained.



Dance Motion Segmentation Method Based on Choreographic Primitives
Narumi Okada, Naoya Iwamoto, Tsukasa Fukusato and Shigeo Morishima.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP 2015), 47, Berlin, 2015.03.11-14.
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